Friday, November 01, 2002

The storage facility where much of my belongings currently reside called me the other day. I was sure they were calling to report a burglary, so I was rather relieved when they told me I had to move to another unit due to construction. They would either pay someone to move me, or I could move myself and get a free month's rent. I elected to move myself, more because I didn't want strangers touching my stuff than any economic incentive (though free rent is nice, too). I asked Cecily to help me move stuff (figure it'd be easist to guilt her into it), and ended up giving her my couch. I would've been reluctant before, but now with the car situation and all its obvious I'm not leaving my parents' house for a long time. Going back to school just looks more and more like the most brilliantly bad idea I've had in some time. But that's okay. School itself is okay, if I could just get my act together a bit. And as I've learned in my economics class, the opportunity cost of something is the next best alternative foregone. So I suppose I've foregone my own home and financial sufficency, but really, what was my next best alternative? Staying at a job that was grating on me at an establishment that is now soon to close? I really don't know what other jobs there are that interest me and I am qualified for that would put me in a better financial position than I am now. So basically, I might have been able to choose a path that would let me live apart from my parents, with enough money to meet my needs and stay out of debt, but my life would still suck, so I'll stop my whining.

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