I went to put a few things into storage, and pay the rent. When I got there, my padlock was gone, and the entire deadbolt face-plate of the unit had been replaced. I was concerned, until I realized all the units had the same new locks. I went to the office and got a new key, and paid my rent. Turns out they replaced all the locks, and apparently sent out letters after the fact that this was being done. My lock, still locked, was in my unit. As I don't believe I gave them a key, I figure they most have dismantled the entire faceplate and then removed my lock from it. I don't believe my lease gives them access to my unit, so I am a bit alarmed by this action, but I figure I will wait for the letter to arrive explaining the action before I pitch a fit. Not like it really matters, it just seems like a very odd thing to do. In fairness, I should say the new locks look a lot more secure than the padlock I was using. A locked bolt sits recessed in the lock, so there is nothing to cut to break in.
As if an unfortunate incident in which one of Lemon Grove's finest suspected I was on meth hadn't tarnished my view of this podunk sheriff's department enough, I now have observed Lemon Grove Sheriff's vehicles parked in handicapped spaces twice. Now, obviously, no one is going to tow a cop car away, and I'm not sure if this is illegal or not. The first time, there were two cars, and the officers weren't around, so I figured they might be responding to a call, and if time was of the essence, they could park there. But more recently, I saw the officer at the car, and found out the urgent business at hand was picking up his dry-cleaning. Unbelievable.
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