Tuesday, March 23, 2004

I intended to write a bit at work today, report on how my sprint break has gone so far (half-over already?), but got busy with other projects, and actually had to do some work, since we were busy and I was alone in the ticket booth most of the day, so that didn't happen. But I'll take a moment now to share my exciting life with you all.

Basically, I've just been taking the time to relax a little bit, read a bit, and do some errands that have needed doing. Watched a bit of daytime T.V. I don't usually see. Caught a very special Mr. Rodgers' Neighborhood. The episode ostensibly was about how they make harmonicas, but when Mr. Rodgers put the video in, it was about how they make hoes. Mr. McPheeley came in, all apologetic (and visibly shaken), to exchange the video with the right one. Turns out the people who needed the Hoe tape were not as understanding as Mr. Rodgers, and had been verbally hostile towards our favorite Speedy Deliveryman, and Mr. McPheeley explained how they made him feel very small, and Mr. Rodgers reminded him that maybe they were just having a bad day and venting at his expense. It made me very happy that they were teaching children not to be mean to service workers, lest you make them feel as low as Mr. McPheeley did that day. They reinforced the moral in the Land of Make-Believe, too. And the best part is, I eventually got to see how they make harmonicas, after all (as well as how they make hoes, for what it's worth).

I've gotten in a fair amount of running in the last week and a half or so. Slowly getting back to where I was. My legs still need some time to get their strength back, but my cardiovascular capacity is returning to its peak conditioning rapidly. I figure I'll find a race three or four weeks down the line to keep me motivated, but I think I'm back in the habit. I certainly feel better now that I'm running again, and sleeping better (though it's a double-edged sword, in that I remember my dreams again, and sometimes I wish I didn't). So, hurrah for Mr. Rodgers, hurrah for running.

I'm sure there was something else exciting this week I could share here, but I'm exhausted, I've felt zonked all day, so I think I'll just go lay down now.

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