Tuesday, March 02, 2004

I voted this morning. Ended up voting for John Kerry, because Edwards said a few too many things which irritated me in the last week or two. I voted no on Arnold's two propositions, yes on every other proposition, though I was still a bit on the fence about Prop A, but I figure if the Democratic party, Sierra Club and Surfrider Foundation back it, I'll go for it. I also voted to re-elect Judge Enright, mainly because the wacko on El Cajon Blvd. who always has such delightful signs on his truck had a sign reading, "Judge Enright Protects Child Molestors," so I figure if he's for the other guy, I'm for Enright. I think this is the most ambivalent I've been about an election, usually, even if I know my side is going down to crushing defeat, at least I know what side I'm on. Especially the No vote for the bond to get us out of our fiscal mess. I would've voted for it, if not for the stupid "Balanced Budget Amendment" that had to pass with it, that basically says, "we have no choice but to do this, but we will forbid any future governor from doing the same thing."

I saw Broken Lizard's Club Dread this weekend. I sort of enjoyed Super Troopers, so I figured I'd give it a try. It had its moments, but I don't think I'd recommend it. Bill Paxton was funny, though, as the Jimmy Buffett-esque resort owner and author of such hit songs as "Pina Coladaburg," written 8 years before "Margaritaville." But it is hard to forgive the film for only playing the song once (I assumed they would reprise it over the credits). It was nice to see a comedy based on horror film conventions that doesn't take itself too seriously, but as I'm not a big fan of horror films, it wasn't really for me.

I went to Viejas on Saturday and won about $230. Great luck at Omaha, at a really lose table. I flopped aces-full one hand, and still people were betting into me like crazy. I hadn't played Omaha in awhile, except for a brief period earlier last week, and I forgot what a great game it can be. People play really loose, and small errors can cost you a lot, making it a pretty lucrative game. I intend to play it more regularly in the future, see how that goes.

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