If blogs are the way the winds are blowing, let no one say that I do not blow. ''I have a ham radio.''
Wednesday, March 31, 2004
Sunday, March 28, 2004
I went to put a few things into storage, and pay the rent. When I got there, my padlock was gone, and the entire deadbolt face-plate of the unit had been replaced. I was concerned, until I realized all the units had the same new locks. I went to the office and got a new key, and paid my rent. Turns out they replaced all the locks, and apparently sent out letters after the fact that this was being done. My lock, still locked, was in my unit. As I don't believe I gave them a key, I figure they most have dismantled the entire faceplate and then removed my lock from it. I don't believe my lease gives them access to my unit, so I am a bit alarmed by this action, but I figure I will wait for the letter to arrive explaining the action before I pitch a fit. Not like it really matters, it just seems like a very odd thing to do. In fairness, I should say the new locks look a lot more secure than the padlock I was using. A locked bolt sits recessed in the lock, so there is nothing to cut to break in.
As if an unfortunate incident in which one of Lemon Grove's finest suspected I was on meth hadn't tarnished my view of this podunk sheriff's department enough, I now have observed Lemon Grove Sheriff's vehicles parked in handicapped spaces twice. Now, obviously, no one is going to tow a cop car away, and I'm not sure if this is illegal or not. The first time, there were two cars, and the officers weren't around, so I figured they might be responding to a call, and if time was of the essence, they could park there. But more recently, I saw the officer at the car, and found out the urgent business at hand was picking up his dry-cleaning. Unbelievable.
Thursday, March 25, 2004
Wednesday, March 24, 2004
Tuesday, March 23, 2004
Basically, I've just been taking the time to relax a little bit, read a bit, and do some errands that have needed doing. Watched a bit of daytime T.V. I don't usually see. Caught a very special Mr. Rodgers' Neighborhood. The episode ostensibly was about how they make harmonicas, but when Mr. Rodgers put the video in, it was about how they make hoes. Mr. McPheeley came in, all apologetic (and visibly shaken), to exchange the video with the right one. Turns out the people who needed the Hoe tape were not as understanding as Mr. Rodgers, and had been verbally hostile towards our favorite Speedy Deliveryman, and Mr. McPheeley explained how they made him feel very small, and Mr. Rodgers reminded him that maybe they were just having a bad day and venting at his expense. It made me very happy that they were teaching children not to be mean to service workers, lest you make them feel as low as Mr. McPheeley did that day. They reinforced the moral in the Land of Make-Believe, too. And the best part is, I eventually got to see how they make harmonicas, after all (as well as how they make hoes, for what it's worth).
I've gotten in a fair amount of running in the last week and a half or so. Slowly getting back to where I was. My legs still need some time to get their strength back, but my cardiovascular capacity is returning to its peak conditioning rapidly. I figure I'll find a race three or four weeks down the line to keep me motivated, but I think I'm back in the habit. I certainly feel better now that I'm running again, and sleeping better (though it's a double-edged sword, in that I remember my dreams again, and sometimes I wish I didn't). So, hurrah for Mr. Rodgers, hurrah for running.
I'm sure there was something else exciting this week I could share here, but I'm exhausted, I've felt zonked all day, so I think I'll just go lay down now.
Sunday, March 21, 2004
Friday, March 19, 2004
Went to Viejas tonight. I lost quite a bit, so did Mom. I just wasn't in the mood to gamble, but Mom wanted to go. When I went to look for Mom to leave, I came across two apparent heart attack victims (I later heard an employee saying there were three medical emergencies). One guy was laying completely still on the ground, half-in the elevator. Not moving, and the medics didn't seem in a big hurry to get him in their gurney. Didn't look good. Given the average age of their clientele, I'm surprised you don't see more of that kind of thing.
I went ahead and scanned a new picture and added it to the gallery from Tammy Faye's book signing last November.
Tuesday, March 16, 2004
Saturday, March 13, 2004
Thursday, March 11, 2004
It's been an uneventful week for the most part. I haven't had much motivation to do much of anything. I had hoped to get back to a vigilant running program, but with the unseasonal heat, managed to put that off another week (this weekend, I swear!). But I haven't really done anything this week. I did do a little cleaning yesterday, and went to the grocery store for the first time post-strike. I had a three-dollar-off coupon for a pound of Starbucks coffee, so I bought that and another loss-leader, cheap cheese. I forgot my list, though, so I need to go back today and get the rest of what I needed. For all the talk about the big sales that the grocery stores were going to have, I didn't see all that many great deals in the paper. A few bargains out there, though.
But yeah, hard to get myself motivated to do anything these days. I think it's a vicious circle, if I ran, I'd have more energy, but I don't have enough energy to run. But maybe over spring break, and then with a better school schedule next quarter, I can start getting back into my old routine.
Tuesday, March 09, 2004
Sunday, March 07, 2004
Friday, March 05, 2004
Too bad I didn't win $40, that would have covered my parking ticket. My administrative review came back today, they say I have to pay the fine. Which is fair, I suppose (I forgot to put the permit on the dash...for the second time). I've been parking up the hill and hiking in lately, and it's not that bad. I'll probably buy another occasional use permit, for days when I'm running late, but I'd rather park on La Jolla Scenic Drive and save my money, especially seeing that every dollar I don't spend on a permit is one dollar UCSD parking doesn't get.
Thursday, March 04, 2004
Unfortunately, I recently maxed out my other primary credit card, because they offered me 0% APR until November. So how could I turn down free money? So now I have to decide what credit card to use. My Amazon-branded card seems the most obvious choice, except that I only have a $500 limit. When you figure rent on my storage unit, my cell phone bill, and gas commuting to La Jolla on a daily basis, plus meals and other incidentals, it's not that hard to hit the limit in a month. So I'll have to use my REI-branded card as a back-up, but I'm a bit leery of them, as it is now March and I have not received my dividend for purchases made in REI in 2003 (which should be sizable, I bought a new backpack and hiking boots, and a pocket knife and other smaller purchases, plus a $10 bonus for signing up for their credit card). But hopefully I'll get another 0% balance transfer offer in the mail, so I can unload the balance on my Chase card, which pays 1% cash back on all purchases, and 3% on gas purchases (with gas at about $2.20 in San Diego, that could add up).
Of course, if my luck holds, who cares about 1% here and there. Won $100 at Viejas on Wednesday. Insane how some people play Omaha. I probably could have won a lot more if I stayed, but I had played about 5 hours, and felt ready to leave.
Tuesday, March 02, 2004
I saw Broken Lizard's Club Dread this weekend. I sort of enjoyed Super Troopers, so I figured I'd give it a try. It had its moments, but I don't think I'd recommend it. Bill Paxton was funny, though, as the Jimmy Buffett-esque resort owner and author of such hit songs as "Pina Coladaburg," written 8 years before "Margaritaville." But it is hard to forgive the film for only playing the song once (I assumed they would reprise it over the credits). It was nice to see a comedy based on horror film conventions that doesn't take itself too seriously, but as I'm not a big fan of horror films, it wasn't really for me.
I went to Viejas on Saturday and won about $230. Great luck at Omaha, at a really lose table. I flopped aces-full one hand, and still people were betting into me like crazy. I hadn't played Omaha in awhile, except for a brief period earlier last week, and I forgot what a great game it can be. People play really loose, and small errors can cost you a lot, making it a pretty lucrative game. I intend to play it more regularly in the future, see how that goes.