Thursday, April 17, 2003

I went to the cemetary with my mom today, to make arrangements for Grandma's service. We didn't get the guy who did Dad's, and they in fact claim he no longer works there. So that was good. It actually went very smoothly. She had a pre-paid plan, and it covered all the expenses, so we had no out-of-pocket expenses. We're going to have a graveside service next Thursday. We aren't having a church service, since just about all of Grandma's friends are already dead.

In other was crazy today. Between the normal crowds that the rain brings in, and the spring break crowd, the place was absolutely packed. It went fairly smooth, I thought, but we were a bit short-staffed. I had to leave at 2:00 to have a quick lunch and get to the cemetary, but I ended up not getting out of work until 2:45. I was able to make it to the cemetary right about on time, but had to skip lunch, so by dinner I was pretty starving. The day does go quickly when its busy, though, and except for parking, the constant thorn in our side, things went smoothly.

I got Final Fantasy: Origins for the Playstation today. Its a remastered edition of the original NES version of Final Fantasy, and Final Fantasy II, which had not been released in North America before. I just got it, and just played the first game for about an hour. It really takes me back, especially the music. It's great to get a nice nostalgia trip, and a full, involving game at the same time. I've been contemplating buying Activision Anthology, but past experience suggests the fun of revisiting Pitfall and Barnstorming won't be long-lasting. Final Fantasy, on the other hand, offers more than just nostalgia. I remember playing it for months before I finally beat it, back in my NES days (and I think that was with a strategy guide); I'm hoping it will last me as long this time around (schoolwork be damned).

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