Saturday, September 10, 2005

While the signal to noise ratio wasn't the best, I still enjoyed last night's telecast. It probably helped, of course, that I taped it (I went to the movies last night) and could fast forward Mariah Carey and such. I tuned in mainly for Randy Newman, and he opened the show, with "Louisiana 1927," and while I've heard the song many, many times (though not at too many concerts--the tune is virtually identical to "Sail Away," and he rarely plays both in concert, usually just playing "Sail Away"), the context gave it added poignancy, as Randy's anguish came through on the last couple recitations of the closing line, "They're trying to wash us away."

Of course, it's been observed that perhaps other Randy songs are also appropriate for the current situation. He sings about New Orleans in several songs. But it was also pondered in the Randy Newman discussion list to which I subscribe, about what would happen had Randy Newman performed "God's Song (That's Why I Love Mankind)" on the telethon (the consensus being it wouldn't motivate people to run for the phones). But seeing the headline for The Onion this week hammered home the relevance of that song, at it's final verse: "I burn down your cities--how blind you must be/I take from you your children and you say 'how blessed are we....'" Or if you're Pat Robertson, you praise God for the hurricane making Roberts confirmation road easier. (Which seems to tie it all back back to "Louisiana 1927": New Orleans blew the levy in 1927 even though the knew the town was in no real danger, and now God has smote a city to get a judge approved who already was almost assured confirmation. Nothing like destroying lives and property to get a little political insurance)

And on the topic of Randy Newman, a member of the discussion list above-mentioned produced a Randy Newman parody which I found exceptionally well-done and rather amusing. I don't know how much it appeals to non-Newman fans, but I think it's worth a listen.

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