Saturday, August 09, 2003

I hate computers sometimes. I accidentally hit the tab key. I quickly hit delete to delete the tab I have just inserted in my document. But of course, instead of inserting a space, hitting tab moves me out of the typing window, and the backspace key instead serves to send me back to the page before. I warning window tells me I'm about to lose my almost-completed post, and that pressing okay will save it, and cancel will delete it. In the past, I've quickly hit cancel without thinking, under the belief that I will be returned to what I was doing. But this time I knew what was happening and hit okay. Yet my post is gone. Gone.

What makes it worse is, it was a very boring post about not wearing underwear and room in my toe box, and I don't feel like recreating it. I suppose the only interesting thing was, I ran into Chris Woo at work on Thursday. He used to work for me at the Cove Theatre. Glad to see he was doing good.

It will be nice to have Monday off. Haven't had to work Saturday and Sunday in some time. And tomorrow will be a somber day, the final Futurama (most likely) will air. Some small, small hope due to its success on Cartoon Network, and a movie is even more likely, but only time will tell.

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