Thursday, June 10, 2004

Netbank sucks ass! I had an automatic balance transfer set up, a day before two credit card bills were to be paid from the account. The balance transfer never happened, and I'm now stuck with two $28 returned check charges. Fortunately, I logged in last night and saw what happened, and was able to contact the credit card companies and make last-minute payments. So I'm only out the fee Netbank charged. But I sent them a message last night, and they have yet to contact me (they're in Georgia, so I assume they've probably closed for the day by now). So hopefully I can talk them out of the fees, if they ever bother to contact me, but this isn't the first problem like this I've had. Last time a balance transfer I set up disappeared, I noticed it early enough to set up another one, and no harm was done. But it's messed up that this happened twice, and could have been very costly if I hadn't arranged to pay the two bills in question (my health insurance was deducted just two days prior, if that had bounced, I'd have a real problem). So I'll be leaving Netbank very soon. Looking online, I've decided State Farm's banking looks to be a really good deal, actually. I wouldn't have expected it, but their interest-bearing checking is paying close to 1.5 %, which is hard to beat at the moment. So I think I'll give them a try, and tell Netbank where to stuff it.

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