Thursday, June 17, 2004

I've been a bit remiss lately in writing about my oh so exciting life since school got out. I leave for Vegas in the morning, so I won't be writing much now. Besides, not much exciting has happened. I saw Mary Chapin Carpenter last night, pretty good show. I bought the tickets before the new album came out, and I was rather underwhelmed by it. So my expectations weren't that high, but I had a good time.

Season Four of The Simpsons is now out on DVD. "A Streetcar Named Marge" is probably my favorite episode of the series, so I was excited for this to come out. I haven't had much time to watch it, but I watched "Streetcar," and some of the supplemental stuff on that episode, including a featurette about how that episode offended the good people of New Orleans.

Well, I really should go get ready for my drive. Plan on getting a fairly early start. So hopefully the next time I post here, I will have a nice winning story to tell.

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