Saturday, February 04, 2006

Quality Paperback Books, or QPB, sucks! I'd actually been a member for several years. I joined to get one of those sign-up bonuses, six books for a dollar, or something like that. But I actually bought quite a few books from them over the years. But I hadn't bought any in some time, so when I got a shipment from them in November, I decided it wasn't worth the hassle, and after returning the book, I cancelled my membership. But even though I returned the book, they've been trying to collect the cost of the shipment (lucky for me, the credit card they have on file was recently involved in fraudulent activity, and the account number changed, so they couldn't just bill my card). And despite replying to my e-mail requesting cancellation, and even sending me a "please re-join" mail offer, they are still sending me books. I returned the last one, and then e-mailed them that I would consider any future books received to be a gift. They replied by saying, "Well, you never send in the card that you didn't want the book," which of course I didn't because I had cancelled my membership two months prior. And today I got another e-mail trying to get money out of me. So now I'm having to send them a letter under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act to demand that they not try to collect any unvalidated debts from me in the future. Wankers.

Stay far, far, away from Quality Paperback Books. And while I'm on the topic, the customer service at McSweeney's leaves a lot to desire. Their book club is a pretty good deal ($100 for the next ten books they put out, shipping included), but I think I'll just buy the ones I want through Amazon in the future.

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