Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Going out to lunch this morning, some elderly gentleman walking down the street approached me and asked for directions to a nearby street. I didn't know where it was, and my mom was helpful enough to point him in the wrong direction, but I suggested we consult the Thomas Brothers, and the 1993 edition atlas was enable to steer us in the right direction. We offered the man a ride, as it was a bit far and he seemed a bit confused. Soon enough, we were at his destination, he thanked us and got out of the car, and waved at us as he crossed the street. And as we felt all warm and fuzzy inside, a car crested over the top of the hill about fifty feet up the road, and the old man came about one step away from stepping directly into the car's path. Fortunately he looked up and saw the car and stopped, but for a split second we thought the reward for our good deed would be watching an elderly man be struck down by a speeding auto. I suppose the moral of the story is, never help the elderly.

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